Closed Herd and Onsite Boarding
Here at Joyous Acres Farm we operate as a "closed herd". A "closed herd" is when the animals do not leave the farm once they have gone through disease testing and quarantine. Our animals have very limited interaction with the general public. A closed herd helps to limit any possibility of disease infiltrating a herd which can be devastating not to mention very costly to a herd and the farm. We have a healthy herd and strive to maintain a healthy herd.
We offer onsite boarding. We guarantee a pregnancy, but not a live birth, as we have no control over the doe’s prenatal care. We also cannot guarantee the sex or color of your babies.
Timing to Breed
Please email us well in advance if you want to use one of our boys so we can accommodate your schedule. Timing is really important and you should be tracking your Does 28 day cycle and watching her for signs of being in heat. This will help you to determine approximately when during the month you would like to use our services.
We will be breeding our boys in Mid-December 2024 for May/June babies.
You can use this Goat Due Date Calculator for help in planning!
Registered $125 for the first doe $100 per doe thereafter
$10 per week boarding charge
The stud fee is due when you drop off your doe and the board fees when you pick her up.
Your doe will need to have current negative test results performed within the last year for CAE.
Next Steps - The Process
Click on the button above to get on the stud service calendar.
Pick a Buck! Check out the Meet Our Herd page.
You will sign our boarding agreement and pay $125 stud fee upon arriving at Joyous Acres at the agreeable day/time.
We will provide a clean, safe barn stall for her with a clean water bucket that will be checked and filled 2x per day,. We will provider her the same quality hay we give our herd, unless you have other instructions or feed for us to provide.
Prior to her roaming with the herd, we will trim her hooves and clean them, as well as check her general well-being.
We will pair the chosen buck with your doe and monitor them in person and via our streaming video. If the two get along very well, we often times leave them together for the week. We find this to be very successful!
Interested in video to checkup on your doe? Just ask!​
Once successful exposure has been obtained, we will notify you immediately so pick up may be arranged.
When you arrive to pick up your pregnant doe, you will pay for the board fees and we will give you a receipt along with some tips for a healthy doe and baby pregnancy!